The movie actor of Bangladesh Mr. Misha Saudagar said, Bangladeshi film actor, Shakib Khan acts better than Indian film actors Jeet and Dev, dances better, performs better, and is more handsome than them. Shakib acts in the most popular movie in India Shikari, Bhaijaan, and Nawab. Shakib is much more handsome than Jeet and Dev. He fights and acts much better than them. Once Shikari and Nawab were the most popular movies in India. Shakib Khan was the hero of these two movies. Shakib has one of the heroes who is the best in India. Recently, Indian people love Shakib khan more than Indian heroes Jeet and Dev. The best performer Indian heroine loves Shakib khan and they want to marry him. Shakib khan has ignored them. For this, They are suffering in deep sadness. Mr. Misha Saudagar also said that Shakib khan can save himself. He knows how to save himself from all the handsome girls. His technique is very different from all other movie actors. I like his strategy. May Allah bless him.
After returning from America, Shakib Khan is shooting director Raihan Rafi's film, Aryan's film, Sunny's film, and Tapu Khan's film. Shakib Khan has acted in two good films. One is Tapu Khan's 'Leader Amii Bangladesh' and the other is Bodiul Alam Khokon's 'Agun'. After two years, Shakib has worked for the last 15 years. I see Shakib Khan as a human being. Artists are human, artists can make mistakes. Let us all see Shakib Khan's mistake as a little human. If a hundred people tell a lie, five hundred will believe it. Then everyone will say that there must be a reason behind those words. Thus once everyone started supporting the lie.
Shakib Khan has many responsibilities. Shakib can make the industry work again. Shakib now needs to make a character-based film, a good story film.
There will be rumors of Shakib Khan. All superstars have the buzz. Shabnoor was rumored to be with Salman Shah, Rikharji was rumored to be with Amitabh Bachchan and Sridevi was rumored to be with Mithun Chakraborty. Superstars will have the buzz.
There will be rumors of Shakib Khan. All superstars have the buzz. Shabnoor was rumored to be with Salman Shah, Rikharji was rumored to be with Amitabh Bachchan and Sridevi was rumored to be with Mithun Chakraborty. Superstars will have the buzz.
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